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[PDF Download] The Forgotten Realms Atlas [Download] Online - video dailymotion

Forgotten Realms. Western Realms The western half of the Forgotten Realms was a patchwork of people, politics, and physical settings; but even within the disjointed conglomeration there were some larger groupings that could be made. The Inner Sea was as divisive culturally as it was unifying economically, and it sharply separated the Western. Jan 10,  · LoreMaps | Map data Pocket Plane Group, Info Forgotten Realms Wiki. The Forgotten Realms Atlas [Karen Wynn Fonstad] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. TORIL Visit the exciting and fantastic world of the. The Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas (FR Atlas) contains over hot-linked maps of the largest and most successful RPG campaign ever. Forgotten realms atlas pdf. Rogues are less likely to experience Pandaria than any other class, and that is worth investigating. Contact us today to learn more. Mise jour de s curit pour Windows XP KB - C WINDOWS NtUninstallKB spuninst spuninst. Forgotten realms atlas pdf Forgotten realms atlas pdf.

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Facebook Google Twitter. Password Hide, forgotten realms atlas pdf download. Remember me. I agree to the Terms. Lost your password? Please enter your email address. You will receive a link to create a new password. Toggle navigation. Embed Script. Size px x x x x Start Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 forgotten realms atlas pdf download 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 forgotten realms atlas pdf download 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Troy Banks Subscribe 0.

My son, forgotten realms atlas pdf download, Mark, and daughter, Kristi, who helped with the index as well as the housework. Mark also designed the map on which the Ivy Mansion was based. My sister, Marsa Crissup, for typing the index, and Lisa Richardson, for lettering the many maps. The personnel of TSR who answered questions, provided a deluge of materials in a timely manner, forgotten realms atlas pdf download, and strug- gled with me as time became all too short.

Special thanks are due to J. Eric Severson, who has been a very pleasant and patient editor; Mary Kirchoff, who kept me on track; Dave "Diesel" LaForce and Steve Beck, for their city overlays and expert cartographic assistance; Dee Barnett, for her graphic help; and Angelika Lokotz and Tracey Zamagne, for every typeset word.

Without them the atlas would have been impossible. All Rights Reserved. This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America, forgotten realms atlas pdf download. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.

Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. TSR, Inc. In these pages you will see its lands and roads and buildings on paper, many for the first time. We who walk the Realms have seen them in our minds, but this book is a magic casement into the Realms for everyone to see them—to marvel at and love them as we do. You will see the Realms come alive in these pages through Karen's magic—the same wonders she has worked for other worlds, forgotten realms atlas pdf download.

She's done it again, bringing the Realms to us all, where once only one man—with one sage as his guide—knew the Realms. Now they belongs to all of us, forgotten realms atlas pdf download, and their splendors shine as a certain sage wanted them to. The Realms have seen more than a few winters since Elminster first peered suspiciously forgotten realms atlas pdf download the front door of TSR's headquarters and the gaming world got its first full look at the world of Abeir-Tbril.

More than twenty summers have fallen on Faerun since it first came to life and Elminster came striding out of the mists and into a certain Canadian cottage, forgotten realms atlas pdf download, angrily informing its owner that said owner was getting things wrong and that he'd best sit and listen a while before he made too many blunders.

Now, Elminster's read an awesome amount in his hundreds of years, and seen a lot, in and between several worlds, too. There isn't much in any of our libraries—even gamers' libraries—to interest him.

Most shelves earn a two-second scan at most, a puff or two at the pipe, and a snort, or more rarely a chuckle. Maps, however, are a different thing altogether. Whether they're old school maps of colored corners of our world, fantasy maps, or little bits of Europe covered with hexes for wargaming tank units to fight over, the old mage is mightily interested. We've even caught him peeking at road maps, when he thought we wouldn't notice. He chuckles, now, when we say, "Quick, Elminster, check forgotten realms atlas pdf download map!

Maps of strange, exotic places are best. New places you've not seen before; forbidden territories, unknown lands. They have a magic all their own. You'll find the magic of the Forgotten Realms here, expertly and lovingly captured by a cartographer royal whose skill and attention to detail matches the best work of Waterdeep, Neverwinter, and Suzail.

Know ye that it is a work that Elminster approves of. Several copies of this atlas, both in the wilds of Ontario and in the beautiful heartland of Wisconsin, will no doubt reek of a very strange scent—a malodorous pipe smoke that is not wholely tobacco—all too soon.

You see, Elminster loves maps as much as forgotten realms atlas pdf download do. More informative than ornamental art, but with a direct and clear presentation that surpasses text description, maps are the first and best tool used by DMs in communicating with their players. Anyone can describe a tenfoot-wide corridor leading to a fountain guarded by stone statues, but a clear and concise map defines the details and sets everything in its proper place.

Laboriously taped together, they became the Realms' "first" map, reproduced on pages 4 to Little did I know that this was merely the tip of the iceberg. Many of these originals of Waterdeep and Shadowdale and other places have seen their way into a number of projects from TSR over the years, and many are enclosed herein. Ed's foundations were just the beginning—as the Realms were a shared world—and others began to work their magic within the confines already set down.

Doug Niles altered the outline of the Moonshaes and helped drain part of a glacier for Vaasa and Damara, while Zeb Cook wheeled up the massive second half of the continent, known as Kara-TUr. Bob Salvatore played extensively with the northlands, working off Ed's original maps and expanding them further, giving them more depth and detail.

My role in most of this was as an ever patient and often bewildered traffic cop, trying to keep the trains running on time. But it all began with Ed's original creation, with the maps set out to amuse, entertain, and inform his fellow players. Karen found out what we meant when we placed a particular building in a particular fashion, and she realigned and rectified divergent views of the same city or region. It is an impressive accomplishment, though not a complete one, through no fault of its capable cartographer.

The Realms continue to grow and develop with each new product, with the arrival of the Horde and the discovery of Maztica and the new world, with greater detail as to various cities and towns, and with new adventures and achievements of their populations. The Realms are a living entity, feeding on the creative energies of all forgotten realms atlas pdf download contributors, forgotten realms atlas pdf download, writers, artists, and map-makers.

From some areas, however, forgotten realms atlas pdf download, there was little news, and accurate maps had always been difficult to obtainespecially in less-than-civilized areas, where demand naturally was low. A series of mountain ranges bordered the more settled areas east of the Sea of Fallen Stars, forgotten realms atlas pdf download, with sparsely settled border wastelands beyond. Two major seas lay in the west: the Shining Sea, which rolled from the Trackless Sea forgotten realms atlas pdf download, between the desert lands of Calimshan and the jungles of Chult, to the Shaar; and the inland Sea of Fallen Stars, the "Inner Sea," with its many sinuous arms reaching deep into the heavily populated lands of central Faerun.

Its waters tied together the peoples of many diverse lands. In the past, a third sea jutted south into the Western Realms: the Narrow Sea, bounded on the east by the Forest of Anauroch. For centuries, however, the name "Anauroch" had instead referred to a growing desert.

As in the Western Realms, a large sea cut into the coast; it was known as the Yellow Sea in the north and the Celestial Sea in the south. Another, the Segara Sea, jutted northwest south of the jungle lands, leaving a neck about five hundred miles across separating the ocean waters east of the Realms from those of the west.

East of the ridge lay the Sempadan Forest, and west ran a dry coastline that formed the only practical land bridge to the unknown lands of the southwest. It was a pathway less than a hundred miles across that could only be reached overland from the west by passing through the desolate steppes of Eastern Shaar or the dust desert of Raurin and from the east by climbing the passes at the north end of the Ra-Khati Range, then turning south along the Jumpa River Gorge.

A closer and far more important barrier existed to separate East from West: the Hordelands. These occupied the wilderness between the edges of Faerun and Kara-Tur.

The Realms are so large and so varied that encyclopaedic volumes would be needed for a respectably complete presentation. The reams of paper provided by chroniclers too numerous to name, rolls of maps too large to view at close range, and tiny sketches gleaned from thousands of references gave the author's office an appearance akin to that occupied by Elminster's scribe and cartographer, Lhaeo: " Parchment scrolls, leather-bound tomes, sheaves of loose leaves of paper, empty folders clearly labeled Important or Confidential, and bark textbooks.

It could not and does not fully map all corners of the Forgotten Realms, forgotten realms atlas pdf download. Location maps with brief analyses chart all the areas currently known, and fairly detailed site, pathway, and battle maps are included for some of the most famous tales of the Realms. Anyone who wishes to follow closely any of the selected sagas may do so using this atlas, forgotten realms atlas pdf download.

Those interested in lesser-known tales of the West, forgotten realms atlas pdf download, however, or stories of the Eastern Realms will find the choices extremely myopic. Even for the chosen stories, not every locale could be included, but much information was already available for these tales and others and may be obtained by those interested in further detail.

Likewise, the tales that have been most thoroughly chronicled elsewhere—notably those of Shadowdale—were provided less space on these pages. Note that locations associated with any given tale do not necessarily fall within the immediate area with which the account is associated. The most famous tales were of travels, and while the travelers may have journeyed to or from a particular place, it was usually only a stopping point—one in which their stories were later told and retold more frequently and fully than anywhere else.

The tales of the Moonshaes fell entirely within the Moonshae Isles, but the tales of Icewind Dale ended in Calimport, and those of Shadowdale ceased in Waterdeep.

The Geognaphy of the Realms The Forgotten Realms covered a vast expanse, and bards and caravans carried more than songs and trading goods on their journeys.

Most of the known Realms were fairly well mapped and chronicled in bits and pieces, but not all the information was common knowledge. It was only natural for local people to be parochial in their interests. Global Viev river valleys flowing into the Celestial Sea. Thus, the face of Kara-Tur turned eastward, and the dry, barren lands were not merely ignored but actually blocked by the placement of the Dragonwall.

Forgotten realms atlas pdf download Hordelands were both a physical and cultural wedge between the two more developed parts of the Realms.

But far though they might have been from the heartlands of West and East, the Hordelands lay at the true geographic center of the Realms, and the barbarians stood poised in an ideal location to strike out in any direction. Symbols used to represent various physical and cultural phenomena are kept fairly constant, though some alterations were necessary notably on pathway and battle maps.

Standardized symbols are shown in the legend that follows. To make the maps more useful in finding any of the many hundreds of locations many with alternate namesforgotten realms atlas pdf download, a letter-number grid is included on each regional map, with corresponding coordinates in the alphabetical index at the end of this book.

Grid marks represent two hundred mile distances, though the Troy Banks order drafting of a rounded surface on a flat map by necessity has distorted some shapes and distances, especially near forgotten realms atlas pdf download poles. For ease of reference, all the major regional maps are drawn to equal scale. For gaming purposes, any of the transparent hex grid overlays from the Forgotten Realms, Kara-Tur, or The Horde Campaign Sets may be used by applying a different scale.

A small hex, for example, would equal approximately twenty miles in diameter, and a large hex would be about two hundred. The scales of the site maps and subregion maps vary, but with a bit of calculation, the hex overlays may be used for any map in the atlas that was not drawn at an oblique angle.

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Forgotten Realms Atlas - Tile Map

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Forgotten realms atlas pdf download

forgotten realms atlas pdf download

Continuing the Atlas Series. Fonstad authored a total of five Atlas projects in the 80s: The Atlas of Middle-earth (), The Atlas of Pern (), The Atlas of The Land (), The Atlas of the Dragonlance World (), and The Forgotten Realms Atlas (). The maps were all hand-drawn and tended to be printed in two or three colors/5(11). Jan 30,  · [PDF Download] The Forgotten Realms Atlas [Download] Online. [PDF Download] The Forgotten Realms Atlas [PDF] Full Ebook. 2tgfm1. [PDF Download] Forgotten Realms: Interactive Atlas (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons) [Download] 2tgfm1. [PDF] Forgotten Realms - The Legend Of Drizzt Box Set Volumes (Forgotten Realms Legend. Larae. Jul 22,  · The Forgotten Realms Atlas Owl and Weasel topic Owl and Weasel was a newsletter for board gamers, role-playing gamers and wargamers, published in London, England, by Games Workshop. He often engages in morally ambiguous activities and performs acts He entered investment banking, rising to partner in a New York Stock Exchange member firm.

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